Please call or text 928-408-0000 if you are unable to make your appointment so that it can be made available to others. Any appointment not cancelled 24hrs in advance will be subject to a $50 fee.
At Desert Detox I foster and nurture client relationships by educating and simply being a guide in their own journey. By establishing safety, honoring their dignity and uniqueness by listening intently; individuals can make informed decisions and take control of their own health. The open conversations and educational components of my approach allows clients to not only trust the power of their own bodies/minds but further understand and become aware of their individual needs. Awareness is key. Accountability requires responsibility. And partnership involves action. Are you open and allowing to join me in partnership for your health goals? My hope and prayer is that clients are enlightened and motivated when they begin to understand the depth behind the gut-brain connection; letting go that which no longer serves them.
– Nurse Rosy
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