The Magical Poo Fairy

Dee has a lifelong passion for health & fitness starting at age 10 when she discovered Jack LaLannne on her family’s black & white TV (yes, she is that old, and if you don’t know who Jack is you can visit the “Godfather of Fitness” @ Jacklalanne.com). Dee has worked as a group fitness leader, a yoga instructor and had her own personal training gym for 8 years in San Diego. She has a degree in Biology from San Diego State University and did graduate work in Exercise Physiology at UCSD.  She also has a teaching credential and developed an after school “Fit Kids” program when she taught 4th grade to inner city youth.

Dee experienced a spiritual awakening in 2003 after loosing her home in a San Diego wild fire. She moved to Yuma to heal the trauma from this life changing event. This is when she really began to understand the “mind, body, spirit” connection, how trauma is stored in the body and how our emotions affect our health. Seeking help for digestive issues she went to an acupuncurist who said, “I’ll put needles in but what you really need is a colonic.”
A WHAT??!! She trusted the acupuncturist and made an appointment for the following day, she was 49 years old.

After her first colonic the clouds parted, the Angels sang and she called her husband, Dave, and exclaimed, “I’m going to be a Colon Hydrotherapist!” He replied, “makes sense” and has been her partner in poo ever since. Her ‘AHA!’ was that you can take all the supplements you want, eat organic food, exercise…but if you’re ‘full of shit’ nothing is going to work, or at least not very well.

Dee opened “Phoenix Colon Hydrotherapy” in Tempe, AZ on her 50th birthday, was there for 9 years and conducted over 10,000 sessions. During the time in Tempe one of her clients at the end of her session said “You truly are a Magical Poo Fairy” and the legend was born. She sold the business in 2021 and it’s going strong. If you’re in the Phoenix area check them out at phoenixcolonhydrotherapy.com.

Dee & Dave moved back home to Yuma the summer of 2023 and opened Desert Detox in the Yuma foothills on January 1, 2024. See Pricing